How Does Light Ripple Through Deep Space?

We previously discussed how gravity bends light around various cosmic bodies, but what happens at the boundaries that determine exactly what we see as an observer?

This video is an addendum to What Is This Cosmic Mirage?
the caustic and critical curve diagram at 6:14 has been modified from its original appearance
The green and yellow dots were the same color in the original diagram; they could have represented a double-lensed source, but that wasn’t mentioned, so I’ve separated them (maybe naively) under the assumption that the same color was in error. I also added a small dark blue dot in the inner critical curve, which was not originally present, but I believe should have been as consistent with the diagrams at 12:18.

— Citations —


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timecode 02:32
Scientists Simulate a Black Hole in a Water Tank
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1986, Blandford, R. & Narayan, R.
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timecode 05:33
The Basics of Lensing
2003, Kuijken, K.
p. 10, fig. 6
"Here is an interactive simulator that can trace paths of light to help you visualize some of the shapes that [light caustics] can make in space."
timecode 06:59
Gravy: A Ray-Traced Gravitational Lens Demo
2017, Portsmouth J.
accessed 2021
"First we have this little java lensing model that can let you see the interactions [of light and gravity] at the edges of these thresholds."
timecode 10:42
Java Lens Simulation
2014, Sancho M.
Open Source Physics
accessed 2021
(requires download to use)
"This next tool [allows you to] see critical curves overlaid on top of an image of a galaxy cluster, and you move a light source behind it to great effect"
timecode 11:08
Galaxy Cluster Simple Lens
2014, slowe, drphilmarshall, and aprajita
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"This nice demo [allows you to] add lesnes and modify their properties to simultaneously see both the resulting image and the hidden caustics at play."
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WebGL Lens with Caustics
2021, Ben Barsdell et al.
"Here's a more orderly example, as well, and [if] you draw comparisons between each side, you can really start to build an intuition for these concepts” of thresholds like critical curves.
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2015, Meneghetti M.
p. 48, fig. 3.8
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Diffraction of Electromagnetic Waves in the Gravitational Field of the Sun
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Building the 100-inch Telescope
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Mount Wilson Observatory
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The Amateur Who Helped Einstein See the Light
2015, Siegfried T.
Science News
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m1 - timecode 04:46
twin quasar and surrounding area captured by Hubble
2014 ESA/Hubble & NASA


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What Is This Cosmic Mirage?