The Myth of the Loneliest Tree on Earth
What does it mean to exist? What if that existence is under extraordinary circumstances? What if it's fleeting?
I Built a Device to See The Sun
A brick of wood and glass can tame the most brilliant thing in the solar system.
Why Am I Staring at the Sun?
I was intrigued by the disparity between how comfortable it is to look at stars at night, and how uncomfortable it is to look at one during the day. Surely, there must be a place where the two become one.
The Mystery of Sedna’s Orbit
Quite far away, a lonely, red rock has our solar system’s history imprinted upon its mysterious orbit.
What secrets might it hold?
The Search
Do you know what to do with data cubes and transmission spectra? Most people don't, but I suspect there is something we can get out of new space telescopes beyond strictly-scientific study. Join me, if you will, in the Search.
What Exactly is Art?
Every person I ask "what is art?" seems to have their own unique answer. What are the potential consequences of such pervasive ambiguity and can we make sense of this tangled situation?
No Frames, No Boundaries
Originally spoken by Russel Schweickart in 1974. The overview effect has a special place in my heart.
How Does Light Ripple Through Deep Space?
We previously discussed how gravity bends light around various cosmic bodies, but what happens at the boundaries that determine exactly what we see as an observer?
What Is This Cosmic Mirage?
You look up into the sky with your telescope and see something unusual, an orderly formation of bright points in the sky. Should this be expected? Have you just never noticed it before? What could be causing it?